04 July, 2008

Six of the Best! Comics News Sites

It's been a couple of weeks, so here are six of the best comics news sites I've come across over the last few weeks:
  1. The Beat - Publishers Weekly's news
  2. The Web Comics Examiner - Erudite and academic features.
  3. The Comics Journal - well, exactly. In depth, serious, but accessible features and interviews. It's Journalista blog also comes highly recommended.
  4. Newsrama - a polished site with a broad range of interests (and no longer limited to comics).
  5. The Comics Reporter - serious-minded site, which features the world... outside comics!
  6. The Comics Bin - a diverse site, which features sections on European comics, Race issues in (US) comics and how-tos for would be comickers.
I must also mention Comics Worth Reading and Comic World News (which, while no longer active, is full of useful stuff).